The Wisdom of Dan Louie...
going into Appearance I must address some fundamental questions about ourselves.
Why do we want to officiate? What do we hope to get out of officiating? What
sacrifices are we willing to make? Each of you must answer these questions for
yourselves and my belief is that there are no incorrect responses. The reason I
am raising them now is that appearance is a direct reflection of our answers to
the above.
be professional we must look professional. This means that we may have to put
aside personal biases to ensure that we meet this goal. Instead of telling you
what you need to do I am going to pose this particular item from the Advocate
position. If your goal is to officiate at levels higher than Federation then you
must begin setting the standards now. Look
at officials who work the NCAA and NFL levels and ask yourselves how they look
and do they differ from you. Let’s
begin with the subtleties before going to the obvious.
hair...forget your rights as an American citizen. How many officials who are
working the upper divisions wear beards, have pony tails, mutton chops, long
hair? If this is where you hope to be some day then maybe you had better take a
long look in the mirror and then to the field. I go back to my earlier question,
what are you willing to sacrifice to become an excellent official? Many will
argue that the above paragraph is an infringement upon rights, has no bearing on
one’s skills or abilities, or that it isn’t legal. All strong, truthful arguments....yet
it doesn’t change the facts. No group is going to say these are requirements
but there are unspoken rules by which we live. If you want to go to those levels
you must imitate the qualities/attributes which those who are there possess.
analogy....wearing a suit and tie has no bearing on the abilities of an
individual; yet why do so many men “dress for success”?
Because it does send a statement. Sure,
Bill Gates can go on national television in a sweater and dockers, but note that
when he appears before his Board or at the stockholders meeting he is dressed in
the finest packaging available to him. He
understands the value of a strong, confident image and clothes do help sell
those points.
let’s now move to how we can attain this goal.
Appearance is not just our attire, but our demeanor.
As I discuss in Poise and Attitude, how we do something is as crucial is
what we do. Hands in pocket is not good, it doesn’t present us in the best
light possible. When we go into the
middle for discussion, keep your head up and act as if you are participating and
not merely observing. Head up at all times, this presents an image of confidence
and credibility.
let’s move to the obvious. Uniform
is our biggest selling point. Are
our shoes shined? Do we wear a
sized hat or an adjustable one? Do
we take extra gear if we are working a double up or do we rely on not getting
dirty in our first game? Do we fold
our gear when we pack or do we pack like bachelors going away for a quickie?
Is our bean bag clean or are we still using the one we got as apprentices
because it still works? If your state requires patches do you attach them so they are
straight or do they sag? Is our
flag properly weighted so that it flies instead of floats? Does our whistle
shriek or does it flutter? Physical
appearance is crucial for it not only sends a message but it dictates our
ability to cover the game. Is our
spare tire hanging over our belt? Did
we shave and brush our teeth before the game? (want to get even with a coach?
Eat an onion before your game and then talk face-to-face with him)
How is our hair? Are we
clean? So, here then is my check
Hair-cut monthly. Never let it get to the bottom of the ear.
Be well groomed and hygienic
Shine shoes before every game regardless of level or field conditions
Take two of everything to game.
Check gear weekly for signs of wear/tear.
Wear sized hat and block them between usage buy new hats every season.
Replace uniform on a regular basis check gear in May and replace any
which seems over used.
Replace bean bags, flags, whistles yearly
Keep hands out of pockets, head up, eyes focused.
Clean and fold gear before using.